This Propaganda poster is 'The Eternal Jews' and was made David Pinsk in the year 1937. This poster advertising a movie that tries to make Aryan Germans believe Jews are bad, and why they should get rid of them.
If you look at the poster, you can see a man with a very funny face expression. He has a very long, black beard and a gigantic nose. He's also has a communist sign tucked underneath his armpit. In his left ( our right), he has a whip, and in his other hand, he has golden coins. The background is yellow, while the man is in shades between black and white.
The golden coins represent that Jews have the money while the Germans are poor, and hungry. The communist sign that's tucked under his left armpit means that the Jewish person is worse because he's a communist, and Hitler hates the communists. The whip in his hand might mean that they are evil, and that they can hurt German people. Also, the Jewish man is black and white, which might mean that the man is dark, and cruel.
Overall, this poster tells German Aryans that Jews are the reason they are in a really bad position, and that they should get rid of them.
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