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Monday, May 30, 2011

1. What piece of work and learning are you most proud? Explain.

My favorite piece of work is my latest Lit Circle. The Giver was the book we read in order to write the latest Lit Circle. The reason why I am most proud of this work is because it's the first time I've gotten an A for Lit Circles. I've set a goal to get an 'A' for Lit Circles since I only got B's. I tried reallly hard every time we had to do a Lit Circle. I'll look at the comments on my previous Lit Circle, and ask friends to read through my work. After all that work, I finally got an A. That's why the latest Lit Circle is my favorite work.

2. What were your greatest challenges? Explain.
I'm pretty sure that the greatest challenge this school year was to see my brother, Eric Park moving on. He graduated this year, and it was just too hard to imagining him graduating. I do most of the time fight with my brother, but with all the problems he had in school life, for example, getting bullied, and becoming half deaf, it seemed like a miracle. It was really hard to see my brother in that graduation hat. It just didn't look right.

3. Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
I learned that I could get good grades if I try hard, and some teachers give me a good grade even though my work is bad but knew that I tried really hard. I also learned that teachers don't like hurried work. I did it once and the result wasn't good.
4. To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category (and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved-
Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I really participate really well in my classes. In math, I eagerly raise my hand to answer questions, but once I had a really bad headache that I couldn't talk much. I volunteer for nearly everything the teachers ask.

b) Participation-

Actively participate in class-
Explanation: I really participate really well in my classes. In math, I eagerly raise my hand to answer questions, but once I had a really bad headache that I couldn't talk much. I volunteer for nearly everything the teachers ask.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
Satisfactory- I am okay at organizing, but I don't recommend opening my locker after PE. My locker's always organized, but some say it's really messy. I am also organized with my work, but sometimes, for humanity, I lost some hard copies of my work, and I got in trouble. I should work on that.

I'm super organized

d) Effort

Needs serious help
Satisfactory- I'm not that bad at effort because I always try my best at almost everything I do. But sometimes for projects like make a poster and things, I sometime go above and beyond by making my work unique.

I always go above and beyond what is required.

5. Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to try and get grades above B- all the time. By setting this goal, I'm sure that I could lift my grades and soon my goal will be to get grades higher than A-.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to try to make new friends and make new students welcome. I know that this is important because being new in a new school isn't easy, and getting new friends will make me and my new friends happy.

6. Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know? I don't have any more information the teachers would like to know.

7. What was your favorite activity lesson in Humanities this year? What did you enjoy about it? I liked the Mafatu book TIC TAC TOE project because I got to meet a good friend, and I got to build a mini island using clay. We also got to make a movie commercial. Mrs. Reiser thought it was great.

8. What activity do you wish we could have spent more time on?
I'm not sure about that, because we had the right amount of time to finish each activity,

9. Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
I have two things to say. Don't ever hurry your work because at the end, the result isn't pretty, and the last thing is that keep organized and always have a new pair of uniforms in your locker just in case there's a water balloon fight.
Mr. Fischer
in collaboration with Mr. Thomas and Mrs. Narsiman

Monday, May 16, 2011

1. The title of this book is 'The Lion'.

2. This book is written by Nelson DeMille

3. This book made me think about terroists, Osama Bin Laden, and the twin towers incident.

4. This book is probably a college level book. There aren't any hard words, but there are swear words. That's the bad part.

5. The bad part is that it is quite disgusting. It's violent. When the "LION" beheads a pilot, it's very descriptive. If you are very sensitive to violent things, you shouldn't read this book.

URL: file:///var/folders/m6/m6lXvLsTH1873NYk0c04pk+++TI/-Tmp-/com

A little summary: This book is about a CIA cop who survived the twin towers incident. He was inside the twin towers. He also met this terroist, and the terroist ran away. Now, the terrroist is looking for the cop, trying to kill him.

Book: The Lion, by Nelson DeMille.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My iMovie Reflection

In humanities class, we made iMovies about a pharaoh in ancient egypt. My partner was Micah. We chose King Tut. King Tut is the youngest pharaoh in egypt. We chose him because he was young, his tomb wasn't robbed by tomb robbers and his death was a mystery. We also chose him because his parents were not known. He was found in the streets. He was a slave, but Nefertiti chose him be the next pharaoh at the age of 9. In this blog post, I will tell you if I followed the rubric.

I'm pretty sure that the information is correct, unless the recourses we used had wrong information. We included the time period our pharaoh ruled in. In my opinion, I think our information was clear about the contributions made by king tut. King Tut made no contributions to Egypt. Also, King Tut built no buildings, so we had to explain why. I have to admit, it was tough... So far, I think we followed the rubric well for the content.

I think we could have added more pictures, but the pictures for king tut were similar so it was very hard to find different pictures. I think we should get a good grade for thins because we tried hard and spent two classes looking for pictures, but couldn't find a lot. There were a lot of pictures of his tomb, but they were similar so there's no point putting in two pictures of the same thing. Our voices were clear, but we had a few weird background noises for some reason. Also, while we were recording, we stumbled on some words. So I think we should get a normal grade for that part. We used some effects. We made the pictures zoom in and things. We put some transitions for the pictures. So overall, I think we should get a 4 on this part.

Overall, I think I should get a good grade because we tried our best, and we included everything in the rubric, we all the information we can possibly get. At least we tried our very best. We did some research at home, and put it in google docs. My partner and I worked well together.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

City Connection Reflection

In humanities class, we each had to make a PowerPoint of where we lived. I chose Seoul, Korea because I was born there and so did most of my ancestors. Also, Seoul is one of the top 10 cities in the world. GO SEOUL! I tried my best in this PowerPoint.

I think my PowerPoint was excellent. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but I think it looked awesome. I had lots of details in my information, I had good and rare picture of Seoul, I had a table of contents, etc... Among all those things, I think the information and table of contents were the best. I put as many information I can possibly put in the PowerPoint as I can, and chose a lot of cool facts that lots of people didn't know about Seoul. Most of all, I tried my best, and I think it's the best power point I ever did in my life.

On the other hand, I think I have to work on my presentation skills. I need to stop saying "like", and "and". I tried to change this habit for a long time but I get nervous and start saying the same words over and over again. Also, I think that the pictures and sentences flying in got messy. I could have less things flying in, or have none at all. I think I improved a lot in my presentation and PowerPoint making skills. I also tried to follow the things on the rubric to strike my best. I think I put all the things the rubric wanted us to put in. The rubric was a great help to me.

I learned a lot while listening to other people present. I think the most important thing I learned was that confidence was everything. The kids who were good at the presentation were all confident about their PowerPoint. The kids who did not so good as the confident kids were not so confident. The next important lesson I learned was to speak louder. I also learned that having little information is good too. Some people chose to explain the facts instead of reading the information straight from the PowerPoint. I thought it was a neat idea. I thought Dylan's idea was cool. I never thought about hiding pictures and giving prizes to the people who found them. This idea made the people concentrate on the powerpoint more.

I personally think I did good. The comments were better than last year's. I think really deserve a good grade. Even though I was sick for two days, I checked and practiced my presentation again and again. I also edited a lot of things that could be better along the way.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


This year has gone too fast. Since its 2011 now, it's time for new resolutions. Every year, I set a new goal but I don't accomplish most of them. So this year, I going to try really hard to accomplish them. If I don't, shame on me. I have several resolutions this year.

First of all, I am going try to be less annoying to my brother. I have to get used to this because he would graduating and would be in America. So, it's very sad because I don't have anyone to annoy. Maybe I could annoy my dog. I'll think about it. Also, if I am less annoying, my brother might actually give me proper presents for christmas. Until now, I got nicely wrapped presents with nothing in it (I give my brother proper presents. Like Ipods,etc) As You can see, I am way nicer.

 Second, I am going to try learn more korean and mix with other Korean kids. Right now, it is very difficult because I don't understand their sentences well. It is quite shameful because I can't communicate well with people from my country. Who doesn't know their country's culture, or the language well? Who dosen't really like their country's national food, or clothing? I must be the only person in the world. You have no idea how it feels like. It's like if people ignore you in your own country. It's like getting surrounded by people speaking a language you don't understand at all.

These are my New Year's Resolution'

Something people might not know about me is that I am very very musical. I taught myself how to play instruments. I play songs on instruments by listening to music. My ear is my best friend. My mom says that it's in our family blood. But right now, I am the only one in my family who compose music without an instrument by my side. In other words, I could hear music in my head and just scribble it on some piece of paper. Sometimes I write it on my hand. I also hate reading music. It gives me headaches.
To tell you the truth, this isn't nice at all. When your listening to the teacher speak, my head and ear would gather sounds from around me and create a rhythm or beat. This only happens when the lesson gets boring. This doesn't happen in humanities. Don't worry. This was a secret. I had to let people know what I'm thinking when classes are boring.

Well this is it. I hope you enjoyed it.
It's your choice to believe my secret or not. I don't really care.  Thanks for reading.