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Monday, December 3, 2012

What's Worth Fighting For?

Imagine living a life where you are constantly checking the sky, and behind your back to make sure there’s no one there to hurt you or your loved ones.  Imagine living in terror, not knowing when a bomb might hit you or when you might be able to escape from all this. Ever since south sudan broke away from sudan, the Nuba people were left with a government who wanted to  get rid of them. Everyday, at least 3 Nuba people die, and dozens get injured severely.

For many years, the second sudanese war went on. Millions of people died, millions have had been displaced, and the rest became refugees. Finally, a referendum was held from January 9th to 15th, 2001. 98.83% of the population had voted for independence. On July 9th, South Sudan gained independence. A lot of people were happy, but not everyone. The government and the Nuba people were in this problem.
"We need humanitarian aid to be allowed into the Sudan before it becomes the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. We are here to ask for the government in Khartoum to stop randomly killing its own innocent men, women and children. Stop raping them and stop starving them.”- George Clooney
What is happening in sudan is, when south sudan broke away from sudan, the Nuba people were left with a government that didn't want them. Since there are no cameras allowed in the Nuba Mountains, there WAS no way to find out if gov. was telling the truth or not. Every SINGLE DAY, in the Nuba Mountains, people live in fear of aerial attacks. Children live in dangerous habitats, such as caves. Children are taken away to the army. 
Also, kids play with bombs that were thrown at them, but failed to explode. These bombs can go off any second. Kids living in caves get BLOWN UP whenever bombs land inside caves. There’s no way to hide. The Government’s been hiding this.  OMAR AL-BASHIR  and Al- Hussein
is behind most of this
. This isn’t WAR.... The Gov. are doing to wipe all the black people out of the area, and put the arabs in.

“Do you know who’s behind all this?”- George Clooney.
In reply ( a Nuban said) “ Yes! It’s Omar al- bashir. He want us to be gone. gone. He want us gone so Arab people live in land. They want the blacks all dead.”

The sudanese Government are doing this for a very simple reason. There was a specific part in in south sudan which had a very bad relationship with Nuba( dating back to hundreds of years). Since the government’s around that area, they got the advantage. There is no good reason for this. Bashir is simply committing war crimes.
“Stop raping them and stop starving them if you don't have a good reason too.”- George Clooney
People live in fear of aerial attacks. Children live in fear because at any moment, there can be a gov. soldier behind them. Either you get raped, or dragged into the army. But usually, both happen to the children.
This is the only reason Bashir has for his doings. All he wants to do is, kill all the black people in the Nuba mountains, and put the Arabs in(even though there's a lot of land around the area that is deserted).

Many people are trying their bests to spread the word about this. This whole project started when one night, a couple of celebs ( George Clooney and Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon) thought.’ How come you can Google Earth my house, when you can’t Google Earth places like North Korea, Chad...’.This lead to them teaming up with Harvard Uni. and the american gov. ( Barack Obama is REALLY involved) To set up satellites... in order to ‘spy’ on the sudanese gov. They found something TERRIBLE HAPPENING.
“Like many others, I’ve denounced President Bashar al-Assad of Syria for his murderous repression, but the more than 7,000 estimated by human rights groups to have been killed under Assad is within the margin of error of estimates of the numbers of people killed by President Omar Hassan al-Bashir of Sudan.”- Nick Kristof 
The Plan is to be able to ‘outnumber’ Omar, and make him go to ICC. In the meantime, people are trying to donate, bring Aid, medical care, housing, help people escape to other countries, bring food, clean water supply, hygiene.

In Conclusion, the Nuba people are in danger. We HAVE to spread the word, in order to out number Omar- Bashir, and get him to go to ICC. People are still dying for no reason, other than the fact that they black. Children are not being educated well for the government don't want them to be smart. Children as young as 2 have had legs, or arms blown off.
There is a way to stop this. Spread the word.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Chaeli Mycroft

Around the world, there are many people who are disabled. Michaela Mycroft(also known as Chaeli) was born with Cerebral Palsy, and was later diagnosed with degenerative neuropathy.Since she is limited in her ability to move her arms and legs, she has to stay in a wheelchair, but she won’t let that get in her way. Chaeli was one of the few who stood up to make a change on how many disabled people feel about themselves. Chaeli, was also concerned about disabled kids not being able to be independent. Since her family and friends supported her, and got her a mobile wheelchair, Chaeli wanted to do the same for people who aren’t so fortunate as her. Chaeli also knew a lot of children around the world were suffering both mentally and physically, and decided to take action. She organised an organization where people all over the world donate, or visit these suffering kids, and help them out as much as they can.

Chaeli was one of the few who stood up to make a change on how many disabled people feel about themselves. Kids with disabilities tend to go to self esteem issues. Chaeli has been in this situation, and knows what it feels like. Fortunately, she decided that she could do something to make a change for a lot of these children. She made people aware of how disabled kids felt, and made sure they were happy.
I hope that my actions as an ability activist will leave the world more accepting and more accommodating for all people and not just people with disabilities, because we are all different and we all have the need to be accepted regardless of having a disability or not.” (SA Career Focus) Chaeli wants to be able to lead a normal life. She doesn’t wants people to judge her because of her disabilities. She wants people to know that even if someone’s disabled, they are still people who have same needs and rights as normal people. This changed how disabled people felt about themselves in two different ways. Chaeli, and her volunteers made sure they could help as many kids possible, to get through everyday feeling happy, and not feeling left out. Also Chaeli made sure that normal people know how it feels like to be disabled, and they shouldn’t be discriminated, or not be able to do what normal people do.
Hope is what keeps us going,” Chaeli said in her speech. “It’s what keeps us striving for the lives we deserve. I have hope for myself, but I also have hope for all other children with disabilities” 
(SA Career Focus) In addition, Chaeli knows that having disabilities make people judge her in a negative way. For example, I, myself (and a lot of people I know), tend to judge disabled people. When I see disabled kids in a hospital, I kind of feel disgusted. I have a tendency to think that all disabled kids aren’t capable of thinking, and speaking out for themselves. This is why Chaeli strives to help herself and other disabled children so they can have a not unfair life, and makes sure she can make as many disabled kids possible happy, and get a lot of opportunities in life.

Chaeli is working hard to make sure disabled people are more independent. Since her family supported her a great deal, and got her a mobile wheelchair, Caelie wanted to do the same for people who aren’t so fortunate as her. Chaeli was born with Cerebral Palsy, through which the function of her arms and legs is limited. But where others see limitations, she sees possibilities; with her positive attitude, she is an inspiration to many.”
(SA Career Focus) Even though she was born with a disease called Cerebral Palsy, she decided that she should accept her disability, and not let anything get in her way of being able to do what everyone else does.
At the age of 9, Chaeli and her friends and sister started a project to raise money for an motorized wheelchair for Chaeli. In just seven weeks they raised more than enough money, so Chaeli decided to help more disabled children.”(SA Career Focus) She knew that many disabled people around the world aren’t getting the support, therapy, and medical care as she is. So, she makes sure that in her organization, donations and volunteers don’t just go to psychological therapy, but also to physical therapy. Kids do activities where they learn sports, get mobilized wheelchairs, and learn how to take care of themselves( washing, cooking... etc). This allows kids to be more independent, and not have a helper always helping them out.

In conclusion, Chaeli Mycroft has been trying her best to make sure that she and other disabled children get fair treatment and the same needs as normal people. The winner of the 2011 Children's Peace Prize did has been brave, and stood up to make a change for the lives of many disabled kids. Because of her, thousands of handicapped kids have hope, and are able to be positive about themselves.  

Monday, September 17, 2012

Where I am From


I am from the house
The shoes full of mud

I’m from basketball, and football (American)

And from heaven
I am from the many airplane flights and boat rides

I am from myself, YouTube, talking dolls,
The Giant Green Bouncy ball, and the rubber bullet guns.

I am from The Beatles, Michael Jackson, ACDC and Eric Clapton
I am from Ocean 11, 12, 13 (2001), NCIS
Mark Harmon, and George Clooney

I am from a country with all four season, but still lived in a place with only one
I am from the doctors, the cleaners, the Barbie makers, the actors, the singers, and my parents
My am from Mr. Muccino, and Mr. Peavy   (inspiring teachers)

I am from Superman to Batman
I am from Pizza, Five Guys Burgers  Meringue, potato chips, and Root Beer.
 Sadly, I’m from broken things, funerals, and autopsies

to EAT YOUR Dinner

I’m from the brainiacs and the jabbermouths
From the unseen forces, to the very very visible ones
But after all this,
no matter what I came from
I will always be own unique me.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

'In Memory to My Mother' by Sonia Weitz

I think this poem means how Ms. Weitz longs for her very loving mother, and how the day was a very painful day in her life. Ms. Weitz's mother has been taken away from her at the Ghettos. Ms. Weitz treasured the last, and sad memory of her mother. Her mother had told Ms. Weitz to tell the world the truth about the Holocaust. Ms. Weitz promised her mother, but it troubled her because she couldn't find words to describe all the pain there has been, and all the love that kept people keep moving on in life. While reading these poems, many questions bombarded my mind. What did Ms. Weitz's mother give her before she got taken away. Are the things that happened during the Holocaust so horrible that you can even find words to describe what happened? Unfortunately, Ms. Weitz passed away in 2010, June 23. She succeeded in telling the world what happened, and the world lost a good friend.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Nazi Propaganda

This Propaganda poster is 'The Eternal Jews' and was made David Pinsk in the year 1937. This poster advertising a movie that tries to make Aryan Germans believe Jews are bad, and why they should get rid of them.

If you look at the poster, you can see a man with a very funny face expression. He has a very long, black beard and a gigantic nose. He's also has a communist sign tucked underneath his armpit. In his left ( our right), he has a whip, and in his other hand, he has golden coins. The background is yellow, while the man is in shades between black and white.

The golden coins represent that Jews have the money while the Germans are poor, and hungry. The communist sign that's tucked under his left armpit means that the Jewish person is worse because he's a communist, and Hitler hates the communists. The whip in his hand might mean that they are evil, and that they can hurt German people. Also, the Jewish man is black and white, which might mean that the man is dark, and cruel.

Overall, this poster tells German Aryans that Jews are the reason they are in a really bad position, and that they should get rid of them.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Was the Treaty of Versailles- fair or unfair? Justify.

There may be many opinions for this question, but I personally think that the Treaty of Versailles was really unfair. The 5 Victors ( the 5 nations that won the war ) didn't concentrate on preventing another World War, but they were concentrating more on punishing the Germans somehow. This part is really unfair. The fact that the Germans started the war isn't really a fact. I think it's just a point of view. Maybe the Germans were fighting with each other, when another nation got nosy, and decided to find out what the fight was about, and got offended, so jumped in the fight. If this is what happened, I blame all the nations the jumped in the fight. They kept jumping in and created a World War. It's true that war helps earn money because of all the weapons sold, but I think the countries all had their purpose of joining in the war. It's Everybody's fault. Nobody really pulled out of the war, but they kept joining in any fighting.
Overall, I blame ' Hate ' for starting the war, and it's not entirely Germany's fault, but also other countries' fault. Everyone should have all payed the money together because it's EVERYONE'S FAULT!