In humanities this trimester, we had to read chapters of books and write a passage, question, connection and find a vocab word for each time we finish read. The discussions help us understand the book better and predict what will happen next.
The discussions help us understand the book better. For example, when I didn't get what happened to the characters in the story, the discussions help us because other people reading the same book explain what happened in the book during the discussions. Also, when we don't understand a part of a story, then I wouldn't enjoy the book much, and I think the Lit circles helped me a lot.
Literature circles help us predict what will happen next. When people are together, and share our thoughts about the book and share what we think was important, we could add all those facts together and come up with a prediction of what we think will happen next.
Because of these reasons, I think Literature Discussions are good and they help me with my learning, thinking and helps me improve my discussing skills.
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